Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Lowdown On Barbeque

The Lowdown On Barbeque
Barbeque, in the southern and Midwest parts of the United States, consists of slow-cooking meat over indirect heat. Chicken, beef, pork, sausage, ham, and ribs can all be barbequed - even mutton is sometimes barbequed, at least in Kentucky. With so many ways to make so many dishes, the perfect way to make barbequed meat can be a regional "bone" of contention.

The Fascinating World of Mushrooms in Coffee Forests
Come to think of mushrooms and the most likely thought that comes to mind is their exquisite taste, vibrant colors, unusual shapes and texture.

Joe For President
After much thought and discernment over the upcoming election I put to you this alternative candidate for President of The United States.

Cup of Breakfast - Car Sale
What color would you like the car interior?

U.S. widens contract fraud inquiry to include military's food ...
International Herald Tribune - WASHINGTON : Federal agents are investigating whether several large food companies charged the government excessively high prices for supplies to U.S. troops in Iraq and Kuwait, according to administration officials. Widening their previously ...

Alex's Worst Cup of Coffee Ever
My love of coffee is partially a taste for the gourmet, and partially a need for caffeine. Caffeine cravings prevent me from being 100 percent uppity about coffee quality – in a pinch, I’ll drink mass-market or fast-food coffee that would make some of my INeedCoffee colleagues retch.