Friday, November 21, 2008

Treat Yourself to Fresh Ground Coffee at Home

Treat Yourself to Fresh Ground Coffee at Home
One of the enemies against excellent tasting coffee is air. The coffee will oxidize when it is exposed to the air. This effect is increased when the coffee is ground and not kept in bean form. Having a coffee grinder at home to use is ...

Making A Great Cup Of Coffee
Coffee, the drink of choice to start, end, and get through the day for millions. If you are reading this then you are probably one of those millions, or is it billions? Either way, there are a lot of us that would never dream of gettin...

Coffee Cultures: Eritrea and Ethiopia
In Eritrea (pronounced er-ih-TRAY-uh), coffee is not merely something that starts on a timer and brews into to-go cups, but it is a ceremony, a ritual, a meaningful time to sit down with friends and family to chat.

Cup of Breakfast - Harv's Fantasy
Harv has a Jeopardy dream.