Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Creating the 2008 Sketchtoon Coffee Calendar

Creating the 2008 Sketchtoon Coffee Calendar
A few years ago, my wife and I went looking for coffee-themed calendars to be used as gifts for coffee-loving friends. We were very surprised to find none in the calendar kiosks at the local malls, coffee shops and very few to choose from online.

Coffee Producers Around the Globe
Coffee consumption is at an all time high. People all over the world love their daily cup (or cups) of coffee. If you are a coffee drinker and feel that you must have the cup of caffeine the first thing in the morning, then you know th...

Coffee Isn't Just For Drinking You Know!
Many people love to drink coffee, all of these people will know just how nice it can be to relax with a nice warm cup of coffee - from a coffeehouse, an espresso maker, or even a cup of instant coffee. Not quite as many people know tha...

Coffee Mugs of Coffee Fanatics
A photo collection of the favorite coffee mugs of several INeedCoffee contributors.