Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How Water Affects Coffee

How Water Affects Coffee
A cup of brewed coffee is made up of at least 98 percent water.

Coffee Beans to Use for Espresso
Bins of coffee beans stretch out in seemingly endless rows. The grinder has too many settings and you’re not sure of the difference between a French roast and an Italian one. How do you know which beans make the best espresso?

Southeastern Coffee Culture on the Skids
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to try to introduce cat as a food in the US? How about cow manure as an energy source?

Naturally Flavored Coffee
Purists say that traditional flavored coffees are nothing more than a foo-foo way of covering up and obfuscating the natural flavors of coffee varietals.

Chicken John: Coffee Achiever
Chicken John Rinaldi may wind up leaving San Francisco soon. Nearly everybody he knows in town is moving out. To paraphrase Chicken John, the billionaires are kicking the millionaires out, turning the once-eclectic city into an unaffordable, corporate, NIMBY suburb.

Frozen Coffee Parfait
Recipe for making a frozen coffee parfait.