Tuesday, September 25, 2007

KempGoldberg Hires 12 Marketing, Communications and Interactive ...

KempGoldberg Hires 12 Marketing, Communications and Interactive ...
Forbes - Joining KG Next, KempGoldberg's Web design and interactive development group are: -- Kristen Connor as director of interactive services. Kri

16 Vote(s)

U.S. seeks pact with Shiite militia
Los Angeles Times - It's not easy sitting across the table, let's say, or drinking tea with someone whose tribal members may have shot at our forces

15 Vote(s)

Starbucking - Honest Artistry
In the most memorable scene in "Starbucking," Winter, the documentary’s subject, aims to break his record of 28 Starbucks cafes visited in one day. Under Winter's own rules, he must drink at least one 4-ounce coffee at each Starbucks he hits.

12 Detroit schools may get reprieve
Detroit News - Last Chance" schools must have certified special education teachers . "Last Chance" schools must make payments for their teachers to t

21 Vote(s)

Behmor 1600 Coffee Roaster - First Impression
Maybe you've been hearing about the new roaster by Joe Behm. Maybe you heard it under other names, like the Joe Roaster.

Christian Bale: I'm in it for the work
CNN - Before that, I would say that was kind of the equivalent of me doing my drama-school training, my film-school training," he says. "I experiment

15 Vote(s)