Friday, July 6, 2007

Caffeine Sensitivity in Coffee

Caffeine Sensitivity in Coffee
This is an article for people who want, or need, to understand more about caffeine, their problems reacting to coffee, and what to do about it. There is no reason why caffeine sensitivity should prevent you from enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.

Coffee and Brazil - How Coffee Molded the Culture of a Country
When Brazil was discovered in 1500 by the Portuguese, the country was inhabited by Indians only. Several new beverages were introduced to the Europeans, such as juices of several fruits, teas of several plants, and even an alcoholic drink made out of manioc.

Coffee and Barbecue
Coffee and Barbecue? Yep, Coffee and B-B-Q go hand-in-hand like, well, a couple of hands.

Brewing Coffee with the Aerobie AeroPress
The Aerobie AeroPress is a single cup coffee brewing system that will provide excellent use when traveling or even as your solution for quality office coffee.