An irreverent walk through Yosemite
An irreverent walk through Yosemite
San Francisco Gate - Among the many photographs, paintings, drawings and other items here, the visitor comes upon a flattened coffee can, dated 1969. That year, Ansel Adams (1902-1984) licensed Hills Bros. Coffee to blazon some of its cans with one of his supremely ...
Inanimate Objects Comics #29
The 29th Installment of Inanimate Objects.
A Coffee Break with French Vacationers: La Rochelle, France
Crowded outdoor cafés in a genuine historical setting makes La Rochelle a great place to visit. As one of the most popular tourist spots on the Atlantic coast, this costal city is a haven for good coffee in a great atmosphere.
Winter: Coffee Achiever 2.0
Winter 2007: Minor Celebrity, Major Coffee Achiever
Coffee - A Day in the Life
I like coffee. A lot. In fact, I've noticed that my every waking moment, and I have a lot of waking moments, is consumed by coffee because I'm always consuming coffee.
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