Monday, June 25, 2007

Studies show coffee is good for physical and mental health

Studies show coffee is good for physical and mental health

Caspar Star-Tribune - Some sit alone, near a window where they can cradle their mug and watch the world wake up. Some sit in groups and talk about the news, the weather and any other stimulating topics that go with their legal stimulant. Some rush in, dressed in suits and ...

Why is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Special

What is it about Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee that merits the hefty sum of $26 to $40 a pound?

Coffee Vacations - Day, Week or Weekend

For me, a cup of coffee can be one of the main attractions in a vacation. Each place I visit I look for the nuances in how they prefer their coffee, some with lighter roasts or others darker.

New Marketing Opportunities for the Tea Industry

As I travel around the world consulting with coffee retailers, several trends keep coming up: more teas and more exotic choices are on the menu, specialty sources are becoming the norm instead of the exception, and most importantly, the pseudo-adversarial position is now the start of a beautiful friendship of cooperation between the tea and coffee vendors.

Coffee - A Day in the Life

I like coffee. A lot. In fact, I've noticed that my every waking moment, and I have a lot of waking moments, is consumed by coffee because I'm always consuming coffee.

How Water Affects Coffee

A cup of brewed coffee is made up of at least 98 percent water.