Monday, January 29, 2007

Drive-up seen easing flow at coffee shop: Board?s approval seen ...

Drive-up seen easing flow at coffee shop: Board?s approval seen ...

Patriot Ledger - WEYMOUTH - The Weymouth Board of Zoning Appeals approved the addition of a drive-up window to an East Weymouth Dunkin? Donuts over the protests of several neighbors. The 4-1 vote came after five months of public hearings and adjustments to the ...

Chinese bloggers crusade has Starbucks feeling heat

Chicago Tribune - Palace authorities are weighing whether to banish the coffee chain from the historic site, and thousands of Internet users are visiting Ruis Web site each day to praise or blast him. To many of them, he is either the voice of Chinas conscience or a ...

Oregon woman sues hospital for ingesting coffee pot cleanser

Seattle Times - MEDFORD, Ore. ? An Eagle Point woman who ingested coffee pot cleaner at Rogue Valley Medical Center is suing the medical center, saying she wants people to know they arent always safe in a hospital. Patricia Richardson was visiting her father in ...

Italy fights against coffee popularized by Starbucks

Taipei Times - In a fight against against the global spread of super-sized frappuccinos and iced cappuccinos, Italy has certified what it considers the classic cappuccino. In a snub to the Starbucks-driven craze for loading gallons of hot frothy coffee-flavored ...