Monday, January 29, 2007

Boost in caffeine, sleeping pills usage

Boost in caffeine, sleeping pills usage

Newsday - As the options to keep you awake grow -- be it more coffee shops or the energy drinks flooding the market -- drug manufacturers are raking in big bucks so that you arent up all night. Younger people may be more susceptible to that push and pull ...

Cocoa is the beverage of choice in the winter

Detroit News - A friend of mine, who is a serious coffee drinker, visited me for the weekend. Unfortunately, I forgot about her caffeine love affair and never offered to make her a pot of coffee. Sure, I fed her and offered her all kinds of other foods, just not ...

Simple image, complex figure

Houston Chronicle - Almost 40 years after Kings death, his place in popular culture is assured ? a national holiday, hundreds of schools and thoroughfares across the country that bear his name, and his likeness on everything from posters to coffee cups. Dozens of ...

Coffee Beans to Use for Espresso

Bins of coffee beans stretch out in seemingly endless rows. The grinder has too many settings and you’re not sure of the difference between a French roast and an Italian one. How do you know which beans make the best espresso?

Dont forget what you learned

Detroit News - To get you started, weve culled some of the best advice from Holifrazzle, our modern coffee klatch, also known as a blog. Happy New Year. And happy (early) holiday planning for 2007! Go ahead, flip the bird Blogger Heather discovered a friend was ...