The Truth About Commodity Futures Trading
The Truth About Commodity Futures Trading
Commodity futures trading is a never ending battle between return and risk. Because of the extremely high leverage involved, you can achieve a higher rate of return than from most other forms of investment, but at a higher risk. Commod...
Making A Great Cup Of Coffee
Coffee, the drink of choice to start, end, and get through the day for millions. If you are reading this then you are probably one of those millions, or is it billions? Either way, there are a lot of us that would never dream of gettin...
Coffee Cultures: Eritrea and Ethiopia
In Eritrea (pronounced er-ih-TRAY-uh), coffee is not merely something that starts on a timer and brews into to-go cups, but it is a ceremony, a ritual, a meaningful time to sit down with friends and family to chat.
Learn the Art to Taste Testing Coffee
Making coffee is a true art. There is some masterly about the perfect cup, but the perfect cup could mean something different to each person. ?Cuppers? are coffee tasters that help assist buyers, judge contests and write reviews. It...
The Legend and Economy of Coffee
It is hard to believe that a humble bean could generate so many romantic tales about its origins yet also be at the heart of so much hard-headed business acumen. You can be assured that from its beginnings to its present market prowess...
From Sheep To Starbucks: Coffee History in a Beanshell
Coffee - it's everywhere. I know that in my town you can't walk down the high street without going past at least four different outlets for the stuff and I'm not even talking about the cafes and restaurants. Starbucks, Costas, Neros......
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