Friday, November 7, 2008

Javatrekking: Global Coffee Connections

Javatrekking: Global Coffee Connections
The truth is, 99 percent of the people involved in coffee commerce, from roasters to baristas, have never been to a coffee village,” says Dean Cycon in his book “Javatrekker”

Starting Your Own Coffee Franchise
If you are considering investing in a franchise in the coffee industry, read this guide to become better informed on the process, as well as the pros and cons of coffee franchising.

Coffee Cultures: Eritrea and Ethiopia
In Eritrea (pronounced er-ih-TRAY-uh), coffee is not merely something that starts on a timer and brews into to-go cups, but it is a ceremony, a ritual, a meaningful time to sit down with friends and family to chat.

Tips For Buying Coffee
There is nothing like the aroma of a fresh shot of espresso streaming from my espresso maker in the morning. I watch with anticipation as the creamy, frothy, brown beauty fills my shot glass, eagerly awaiting the syrup mixture of the d...