Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cup of Breakfast - Harv's Fantasy

Cup of Breakfast - Harv's Fantasy
Harv has a Jeopardy dream.

Coffee Blending
Have you ever noticed that on the supermarket shelves most of what you can buy are coffee blends? If single origin estate coffees are so fabulous, why would you want a blend?

Cup of Breakfast - Five Second Rule
What is the rule when something falls on the floor?

Coffee Cultures: Eritrea and Ethiopia
In Eritrea (pronounced er-ih-TRAY-uh), coffee is not merely something that starts on a timer and brews into to-go cups, but it is a ceremony, a ritual, a meaningful time to sit down with friends and family to chat.

U.S. widens contract fraud inquiry to include military's food ...
International Herald Tribune - WASHINGTON : Federal agents are investigating whether several large food companies charged the government excessively high prices for supplies to U.S. troops in Iraq and Kuwait, according to administration officials. Widening their previously ...

Tips For Buying Coffee
There is nothing like the aroma of a fresh shot of espresso streaming from my espresso maker in the morning. I watch with anticipation as the creamy, frothy, brown beauty fills my shot glass, eagerly awaiting the syrup mixture of the d...