At fast-food joints, try the secret menu
At fast-food joints, try the secret menu
Christian Science Monitor - Los Angeles - In-N-out Burger. 6:00 p.m. I say to my girlfriend in line beside me, "I want a burger, but I'm tired of all that bun." A bearded 20-something walks past and says, "protein style, lady." Confused, I look at the menu. No mention there ...
From Sheep To Starbucks: Coffee History in a Beanshell
Coffee - it's everywhere. I know that in my town you can't walk down the high street without going past at least four different outlets for the stuff and I'm not even talking about the cafes and restaurants. Starbucks, Costas, Neros......
Everything You Wanted to Know About Coffee From Hawaii
An overview of The Hawaii Coffee Book - A gourmet's Guide from Kona to Kaua'i by Shawn Steiman.
Tips For Buying Coffee
There is nothing like the aroma of a fresh shot of espresso streaming from my espresso maker in the morning. I watch with anticipation as the creamy, frothy, brown beauty fills my shot glass, eagerly awaiting the syrup mixture of the d...
Breast Milk Lattes Are Just A Novelty
There is no doubt that countless new fathers have tasted at least a few drops their wives' breast milk at some point after child birth. But how far will they go beyond that first innocent taste?
Coffee Makers Buying Tips
You just moved into a new house. You decided to replace that old small drip coffee maker you had for years. You love to drink coffee and you are just an average coffee lover who is not really into the world of coffee. It has been so lo...
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