Aquatic Birds of the Western Ghats
Aquatic Birds of the Western Ghats
India is perhaps the only country in the world growing all its coffee under the canopy of a three tiered shade system. Shade grown coffee is not only environment friendly; it also has a host of other benefits.
The Lowdown On Barbeque
Barbeque, in the southern and Midwest parts of the United States, consists of slow-cooking meat over indirect heat. Chicken, beef, pork, sausage, ham, and ribs can all be barbequed - even mutton is sometimes barbequed, at least in Kentucky. With so many ways to make so many dishes, the perfect way to make barbequed meat can be a regional "bone" of contention.
Making A Great Cup Of Coffee
Coffee, the drink of choice to start, end, and get through the day for millions. If you are reading this then you are probably one of those millions, or is it billions? Either way, there are a lot of us that would never dream of gettin...
Housing and the Coffee Shop Economic Indicator
Back in January of this year, Herb Greenberg made headlines by discovering a new leading economic indicator at his favorite Chinese restaurant. He called it the Hot-and-Sour soup indicator, apparently named after his favorite menu item.
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