Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Alex's Worst Cup of Coffee Ever

Alex's Worst Cup of Coffee Ever
My love of coffee is partially a taste for the gourmet, and partially a need for caffeine. Caffeine cravings prevent me from being 100 percent uppity about coffee quality – in a pinch, I’ll drink mass-market or fast-food coffee that would make some of my INeedCoffee colleagues retch.

Learn the Art to Taste Testing Coffee
Making coffee is a true art. There is some masterly about the perfect cup, but the perfect cup could mean something different to each person. ?Cuppers? are coffee tasters that help assist buyers, judge contests and write reviews. It...

At fast-food joints, try the secret menu
Christian Science Monitor - Los Angeles - In-N-out Burger. 6:00 p.m. I say to my girlfriend in line beside me, "I want a burger, but I'm tired of all that bun." A bearded 20-something walks past and says, "protein style, lady." Confused, I look at the menu. No mention there ...

Playing with food is all in the game(s)
Philadelphia Daily News - Turns out it's OK to play with your food. Three new food-centric games aim to make mealtime - or at least talking about it - fun. "Foodie Fight" is a simple, culinary trivia game in which players answer a variety of questions (such as "What shape is ...

Breast Milk Lattes Are Just A Novelty
There is no doubt that countless new fathers have tasted at least a few drops their wives' breast milk at some point after child birth. But how far will they go beyond that first innocent taste?