Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Report says UN food agency must become more flexible, lean to survive ...

Report says UN food agency must become more flexible, lean to survive ...
MSN UK News - The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization must become a more flexible, leaner and less bureaucratic organization if it wants to survive and meet the challenges of the future, an independent panel of experts recommended in its final report Thursday ...

Creating the 2008 Sketchtoon Coffee Calendar
A few years ago, my wife and I went looking for coffee-themed calendars to be used as gifts for coffee-loving friends. We were very surprised to find none in the calendar kiosks at the local malls, coffee shops and very few to choose from online.

Jacu Bird Coffee
If you thought Kopi Luwak was disgusting, wait, there's more! Introducing the Jacu bird into this family of pre-processed coffee should add an interesting avian flair to your mornings.

No Coffee or Tea For At Least 2 Weeks
I messed up. I messed up bad. A few weeks ago I got a direct mail advertisement for a dentist offering new patients a free Zoom teeth whitening with the purchase of a cleaning and X-rays.

Coffee for Company - 5 Quick Tips
Every year I get people asking me how to prepare for the onslaught of visitors to their house. a decent percentage of the adults all drink coffee in one form or another and being the Coffee Guy I feel it is my duty to impart the 5 tips for better Holiday Coffee Experiences.

Grinding Down the Competition
It is a well accepted fact that whole coffee beans stay fresher longer than already ground coffee, so why doesn't everyone buy whole bean coffee?