Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blood Pressure and Coffee

Blood Pressure and Coffee
There have been some irresponsible articles written over the years, that assure the reader that drinking coffee will not raise your blood pressure.

Infant Coffee - 6 Tips for Coffee Drinking Parents
Babies change everything; what do they change for coffee-drinking parents? Here are 6 suggestions.

Death By Chocolate Cappuccino
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate came to mind. So I started experimenting and the Death By Chocolate Cappuccino was born.

Caffeine Consumption By Coffee Fanatics
Once people learn about the INeedCoffee web site, they always seem to come to the same conclusion. You must drink a lot of coffee! For the longest time I tried to defend myself by explaining that I prefer quality over quantity.

Jacu Bird Coffee
If you thought Kopi Luwak was disgusting, wait, there's more! Introducing the Jacu bird into this family of pre-processed coffee should add an interesting avian flair to your mornings.

Playing with food is all in the game(s)
Philadelphia Daily News - Turns out it's OK to play with your food. Three new food-centric games aim to make mealtime - or at least talking about it - fun. "Foodie Fight" is a simple, culinary trivia game in which players answer a variety of questions (such as "What shape is ...