Saturday, January 19, 2008

Coffee Vodka

Coffee Vodka
Plain vodka has flavor. Let's get that out of the way before someone feels the need to send me an email pontificating about the subtle flavors of plain vodka when this article is dedicated to pontificating about a particular type of flavored vodka.

Ethiopian Coffee
When most people talk of Ethiopia, they immediately think of coffee. Maybe you have heard that Ethiopia was the birthplace of coffee, or at least the discovery of it.

Caffeine Consumption By Coffee Fanatics
Once people learn about the INeedCoffee web site, they always seem to come to the same conclusion. You must drink a lot of coffee! For the longest time I tried to defend myself by explaining that I prefer quality over quantity.

Brewing Turkish Coffee Using a Traditional Tabletop Burner
Before electricity and gas people used plain old fire to make coffee! They used wood fire and big pots, and they ground their coffee with stones or wood