Saturday, December 8, 2007

Vacuum Pot Brewing

Vacuum Pot Brewing
Vacuum brewers come in many shapes and sizes, yet they are more alike than they are different. They have the same basic components and operate on the same basic principles. You may also hear of these devices referred to as vac pots.

Coffee Cup 2.0
Every year coffee hobbyists are exposed to many new brewing or home roasting gadgets. Not only is innovation occuring at the gadget level, but it is also occurring with the disposable coffee cup.

Hawaiian Coffee
The Hawaiian islands conjure up visions of paradise. But that is not all. The coffee lover also knows that coffee from Hawaii is known for it's high praise, accompanied by an equally high price.

Military Orders More Caffeine For Everyone, Starting in 1832!
Although none of the soldiers were likely to have complained, it probably didn't take long for military generals to realize that those alcohol rations they were giving the soldiers were doing more than just boosting spirits (pun intended).