RitualRoasters: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati
RitualRoasters: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati
Complete with a century-old coffee roaster (where they bake their own beans) and competition-ready baristas, Ritual doles out coffee by the fixed gear-load.
The Coffee Book: Anatomy of an Industry from Crop to the Last Drop
Ritual Coffee Roasters. 1026 Valencia Street (Near 21st, in the Mission) map. San Francisco Meet the authors, check out the book, drink some very, very special coffee
Trip Report: Barefoot Coffee Roasters » Espresso News and Reviews
Visit them and read the rest and make sure to check out the sweet reviews on our coffee pals at Ritual and Blue Bottle. –One of those gems is Barefoot Coffee Roasters — three
Reunion Island Coffee: Specialty Coffee Roaster
Value-added specialty coffee roaster featuring premium beans, including fair trade and organic It can be a morning ritual, a mid-morning pick me up, or an after dinner treat.
Simon Fell > Its just code > Coffee
Anyone for a gibraltar ? WRBC Champ Heather Perry went on to win the US Barista competition in Long Beach. Ritual Coffee Roasters opened a second store, this one inside Flora Grubb
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