Military Orders More Caffeine For Everyone, Starting in 1832!
Military Orders More Caffeine For Everyone, Starting in 1832!
Although none of the soldiers were likely to have complained, it probably didn't take long for military generals to realize that those alcohol rations they were giving the soldiers were doing more than just boosting spirits (pun intended).
Coffee Basics: All About The Bean
Coffee is popular-you can drink it black or with sugar, or you can go to your local coffee shop and order just about any flavor or type of coffee imaginable. There are many people that grab a cup of coffee in the morning before they do...
Different Brews of Coffee, Which is Best?
Coffee used to be a pretty boring drink, the only variety used to be from a pretty boring percolator. I can still remember you getting so bored waiting for the water to boil. Percolators did have one advantage, they are great fun to...
Ibrik Cezve - Turkish Coffee Maker
An Ibrik or Cezve is a Turkish coffee maker (pot) designed specifically to make Turkish coffee. In Greece the ibrik is know as briki.
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