Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Blood Pressure and Coffee

Blood Pressure and Coffee
There have been some irresponsible articles written over the years, that assure the reader that drinking coffee will not raise your blood pressure.

The History And Main Types Of Coffee
It's a mainstay in many households the world over with a commodity ranking of number two, just behind oil production. But how did the worldwide coffee craze get started and what exactly is the history of the little bean loved the globe...

Ibrik Cezve - Turkish Coffee Maker
An Ibrik or Cezve is a Turkish coffee maker (pot) designed specifically to make Turkish coffee. In Greece the ibrik is know as briki.

Coffee Vodka
Plain vodka has flavor. Let's get that out of the way before someone feels the need to send me an email pontificating about the subtle flavors of plain vodka when this article is dedicated to pontificating about a particular type of flavored vodka.

Finding the Coffee that fits your Style
What sorts of coffees do you prefer? Everyone seems to find a certain flavor profile most likable to their taste.

Buzzing, bizzing, flying.