TCS Awarded Five-Year $25 Million Department of Defense IDIQ Contract
TCS Awarded Five-Year $25 Million Department of Defense IDIQ Contract
MSN MoneyCentral - TCS provides wireless and VoIP E9-1-1 network-based services, secure deployable communication systems and engineered satellite-bas
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New operator hired for wastewater treatment plant
Corydon Democrat - Learned that the Indiana State Water Pollution Board will make a trip south in the near future. Steve Hall of FMSM Engineering met
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Letterman brings laughs to `Oprah'
Miami Herald - We're yoga buddies. No. 6: Oprah's incredibly busy, yet she always finds time to ignore my calls. No. 5: She agreed to validate my par
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KempGoldberg Hires 12 Marketing, Communications and Interactive ...
Forbes - Joining KG Next, KempGoldberg's Web design and interactive development group are: -- Kristen Connor as director of interactive services. Kri
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