Ristretto Rant
Ristretto Rant
My coffee drink of choice for the past few years has been the straight espresso shot. All my other coffee equipment has either been packed away or is gathering dust. For me it is all about espresso now.
Iced Mint Mocha Recipe
So here is something a little different from my wonderful selection of coffee syrup recipes. This is a refreshing beverage, perfect for a hot day or if you fancy something a little different to your average cup of coffee.
Commentary: Some Chrysler SUVs likely to be axed
MSNBC - The conventional wisdom here in Detroit is that Feinberg and his $23.5 billion private equity firm are writing some mighty big checks to attr
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Cardica Jumps After EU Approves Device
MSN MoneyCentral - NEW YORK (AP) - Cardica Inc. shares surged Wednesday after its C-Port Flex A system, a device used in heart surgery, was approved
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