Friday, October 19, 2007

100% Kona Coffee: Is there really a difference?

100% Kona Coffee: Is there really a difference?
A customer walked into a coffee shop to order a cup of coffee. Before ordering, he asked the barista how long it had been since the coffee had been brewed. She didn't know but was willing to come get him when she brewed a fresh pot.

Behmor 1600 Coffee Roaster - First Impression
Maybe you've been hearing about the new roaster by Joe Behm. Maybe you heard it under other names, like the Joe Roaster.

Iced Mint Mocha Recipe
So here is something a little different from my wonderful selection of coffee syrup recipes. This is a refreshing beverage, perfect for a hot day or if you fancy something a little different to your average cup of coffee.

Ristretto Rant
My coffee drink of choice for the past few years has been the straight espresso shot. All my other coffee equipment has either been packed away or is gathering dust. For me it is all about espresso now.