Friday, September 28, 2007

European stocks end higher

European stocks end higher
International Herald Tribune - The stock draw supports concerns about a tightening global supply and demand picture in the months ahead, a situation

21 Vote(s)

OptionsXpress average daily trade volume grows 58 percent year-over ...
CNBC - CHICAGO - Online brokerage optionsXpress Holdings Inc. said Wednesday it handled 58 percent more trades last month as it expanded its customer

15 Vote(s)

Mayor Nichols won’t run
Fountain Hills Times - Nichols also cited as accomplishments developing a program for future planning with the strategic plan and Strategic Planning

20 Vote(s)

Steaming Milk for Beginners
Frothing is probably the most underappreciated part of coffeehouse culture. After all, without the foam, your cappuccino or latte is just plain espresso.

U.S. seeks pact with Shiite militia
Los Angeles Times - It's not easy sitting across the table, let's say, or drinking tea with someone whose tribal members may have shot at our forces

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