Friday, August 24, 2007

The Naked Portafilter

The Naked Portafilter
There is a relatively new phenomenon among coffee enthusiasts that is not only a great Barista training tool, but is also beautiful. It is commonly referred to as a Bottomless Portafilter.

Exhaustion, anger of caregiving get a name
CNN - If your answer is yes to any one of these, you may be suffering from caregiver stress. This condition is increasingly being referred to as "car

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A Coffee Break with French Vacationers: La Rochelle, France
Crowded outdoor cafés in a genuine historical setting makes La Rochelle a great place to visit. As one of the most popular tourist spots on the Atlantic coast, this costal city is a haven for good coffee in a great atmosphere.

Marriage makes most people 'happier'
Nine MSN - Prof Frey is internationally recognised for his work in economics, political science, sociology and psychology. He will speak at a Queensl

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Linda Bryant Smith
Everett Herald - Yoga instructor Marsha Valentine demonstrates the Warrior pose in the yoga studio at the new Sound Holistic Health offices in Everet

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Coffee and Barbecue
Coffee and Barbecue? Yep, Coffee and B-B-Q go hand-in-hand like, well, a couple of hands.