Album's No. 1, singles are nowhere, and Gretchen Wilson is angry
Album's No. 1, singles are nowhere, and Gretchen Wilson is angry
Detroit Free Press - But that doesn't necessarily mean you abandon the idea of writing hooks, of writing country songs that will attract listeners. A
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Whipped Cream Amazement
In working for an office coffee service for the past 14 years, I have been amazed at what customers get so excited about. Very few customers usually get excited over cutting their coffee costs or giving them excellent service
Land use, planning focus of commissioners talk
Frederick News-Post - Photo by Ed Waters, Jr. Frederick County Commissioners Kai Hagen, second from right, and Jan Gardner, right, spoke to the Frede
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What to Watch
Washington Post - Faced with devastating hurricanes and floods, meteorologists and atmospheric scientists consider the implications of weather modifi
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