Sunday, July 1, 2007

Jars of Clay Promotes Coffee in Battle for Clean Blood, Water

Jars of Clay Promotes Coffee in Battle for Clean Blood, Water
Christian Post - Multi-platinum, Grammy award-winning band Jars of Clay has joined forces with 963 Missions in a new initiative to provide clean water and HIV/AIDS-free blood in Africa through the sales of fair trade organic coffee. The ?963 Coffee Project? will ...

Farm Chores - Things to do on a Kona Farm
Before becoming a Kona coffee farmer, I made a living as a computer programmer. I had often considered farming but I had never actually farmed before.

The History of Instant Coffee
We all have seen and possibly used instant coffee sometime in our life, but have you ever wondered where this dark, mysterious, water soluble powder gained its popularity?

An irreverent walk through Yosemite
San Francisco Gate - Among the many photographs, paintings, drawings and other items here, the visitor comes upon a flattened coffee can, dated 1969. That year, Ansel Adams (1902-1984) licensed Hills Bros. Coffee to blazon some of its cans with one of his supremely ...

Best Seattle Coffee Houses
Getting off the plane at SeaTac airport, you may see a sign that will set the tone of your trip… it is a directional sign for Espresso. Indeed, Seattle is a town that has elevated espresso to a special status. Espresso is a passion, a science, an art, a drug and a pleasure.

The Naked Portafilter
There is a relatively new phenomenon among coffee enthusiasts that is not only a great Barista training tool, but is also beautiful. It is commonly referred to as a Bottomless Portafilter.