Thursday, July 12, 2007

Frozen Coffee Parfait

Frozen Coffee Parfait
Recipe for making a frozen coffee parfait.

A Coffee Break with French Vacationers: La Rochelle, France
Crowded outdoor cafés in a genuine historical setting makes La Rochelle a great place to visit. As one of the most popular tourist spots on the Atlantic coast, this costal city is a haven for good coffee in a great atmosphere.

Top 10 Dangers of the Coffee Enema
There is no scientific evidence to indicate that coffee enemas detoxify the bowel, liver, or gallbladder. The Gerson Therapy treatment, which includes daily coffee enemas, is currently being touted as an alternative cancer treatment.

Coffee and Brazil - How Coffee Molded the Culture of a Country
When Brazil was discovered in 1500 by the Portuguese, the country was inhabited by Indians only. Several new beverages were introduced to the Europeans, such as juices of several fruits, teas of several plants, and even an alcoholic drink made out of manioc.

Cupping – A Sensory Experience
If you’ve tried freshly roasted coffee you probably have a decent idea how palate-pleasing it can be. But, how good is it really?

The History of Instant Coffee
We all have seen and possibly used instant coffee sometime in our life, but have you ever wondered where this dark, mysterious, water soluble powder gained its popularity?