Coffee Beans to Use for Espresso
Coffee Beans to Use for Espresso
Bins of coffee beans stretch out in seemingly endless rows. The grinder has too many settings and you’re not sure of the difference between a French roast and an Italian one. How do you know which beans make the best espresso?
Best Seattle Coffee Houses
Getting off the plane at SeaTac airport, you may see a sign that will set the tone of your trip… it is a directional sign for Espresso. Indeed, Seattle is a town that has elevated espresso to a special status. Espresso is a passion, a science, an art, a drug and a pleasure.
Coffee Hotspots - An Inventory of Biodiversity
Planet earth is the only GREEN planet of the Solar system that can support life. It is indeed a gem of creation and a magnificent masterpiece of Nature, sustaining millions of life forms.
Starbucking - Honest Artistry
In the most memorable scene in "Starbucking," Winter, the documentary’s subject, aims to break his record of 28 Starbucks cafes visited in one day. Under Winter's own rules, he must drink at least one 4-ounce coffee at each Starbucks he hits.
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