Caffeine Sensitivity in Coffee
Caffeine Sensitivity in Coffee
This is an article for people who want, or need, to understand more about caffeine, their problems reacting to coffee, and what to do about it. There is no reason why caffeine sensitivity should prevent you from enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.
Jars of Clay Promotes Coffee in Battle for Clean Blood, Water
Christian Post - Multi-platinum, Grammy award-winning band Jars of Clay has joined forces with 963 Missions in a new initiative to provide clean water and HIV/AIDS-free blood in Africa through the sales of fair trade organic coffee. The ?963 Coffee Project? will ...
Why is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Special
What is it about Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee that merits the hefty sum of $26 to $40 a pound?
Frozen Coffee Parfait
Recipe for making a frozen coffee parfait.
Starbucking - Honest Artistry
In the most memorable scene in "Starbucking," Winter, the documentary’s subject, aims to break his record of 28 Starbucks cafes visited in one day. Under Winter's own rules, he must drink at least one 4-ounce coffee at each Starbucks he hits.
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