Sunday, June 17, 2007

Vermont Pure Holdings, Ltd. Announces Acquisitions in New York Markets

Vermont Pure Holdings, Ltd. Announces Acquisitions in New York Markets

Forbes - The Company has purchased the assets of Stone Hill Water Co., Inc. of Argyle, NY and Sheridan Coffee Services of Buffalo, NY. These businesses will be merged into the Companys respective branch operations in Albany and Buffalo. The combined annual ...

Why a Kona blend coffee over Kona alone?

Kona blend coffee is popular for basically one reason and one reason only.

Coffee production still a sorry situation - research

IPP Media - Ten years down the lane, efforts by the Kilimanjaro regional authorities to revive and increase coffee production are yet to yield positive results, an agricultural report has revealed. The Kilimanjaro regional agricultural consultant, Idda Mkamba ...

How are Flavored Coffees Flavored

The popularity of flavored coffees is booming among java junkies everywhere.