Monday, June 18, 2007

Top 10 Dangers of the Coffee Enema

Top 10 Dangers of the Coffee Enema

There is no scientific evidence to indicate that coffee enemas detoxify the bowel, liver, or gallbladder. The Gerson Therapy treatment, which includes daily coffee enemas, is currently being touted as an alternative cancer treatment.

Farm Chores - Things to do on a Kona Farm

Before becoming a Kona coffee farmer, I made a living as a computer programmer. I had often considered farming but I had never actually farmed before.

How Water Affects Coffee

A cup of brewed coffee is made up of at least 98 percent water.

How are Flavored Coffees Flavored

The popularity of flavored coffees is booming among java junkies everywhere.

Attract Customers with Promotional Coffee Mugs

Imagine being in a local park and drinking your morning coffee from a promotional coffee mug that you were given as a free gift when you went to the newly opened casino in your region.

Best Seattle Coffee Houses

Getting off the plane at SeaTac airport, you may see a sign that will set the tone of your trip… it is a directional sign for Espresso. Indeed, Seattle is a town that has elevated espresso to a special status. Espresso is a passion, a science, an art, a drug and a pleasure.