Friday, June 22, 2007

A kids classic, and Miss Potter herself

A kids classic, and Miss Potter herself

Los Angeles Times - Four-disc set includes two films starring and directed by the Oscar-winning actor ? the documentary "Looking for Richard," for which he won the Directors Guild of America Award, and the well-acted 2000 drama "Chinese Coffee," with Jerry Orbach. Also ...

Coffee from trailer approved

Owen Sound Sun Times - Tim Hortons will set up a temporary trailer to serve customers during interior renovations at the downtown store July 3 to Aug. 2. Council unanimously supported the request for the temporary trailer subject to some conditions. Coun. John Christie ...

Espresso Coffee Machines What Are The Differences?

Most coffee drinkers if you are anything like me can go broke stopping at the local coffee house along the way to get your favorite cup of espresso. Most of you probably would benefit from owing your very own espresso machine. There are several varieties of espresso machines available. If you don't know what is going on with the different machines it can be very confusing. Tips To select the Espresso Coffee Machine That Is Right For YouThere are several different types of espresso machines avai

Consider This When Buying Your Coffee Maker

People can be very passionate about coffee. They can tell how long the beans were roasted with the first sip! Not everyone is so dedicated, but most people do like a decent cup. The explosion in cafe culture has meant that we now know what a mocha latte is, and we want to drink it at home! There are so many varieties of coffee maker available that it can be bewildering. How To Choose The Coffee Machine That's Right For YouAutomatic Drip MachineThese are still the most popular for everyday

A Guide to Coffee Beans

Comedian Bill Maher once observed that if your favorite drugged state is "wired" and you live in the United States, you are set for life. Starbucks on every corner, coffee aisle in every store. Energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster in every convenience store, and a coffee pot on the burner at every job. Americans may be deficient or ignorant in other matters pertaining to food and beverages, but when it comes to coffee, they're right up to speed... no pun intended!However, working in a restaur