Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Coffee - A Day in the Life

Coffee - A Day in the Life

I like coffee. A lot. In fact, I've noticed that my every waking moment, and I have a lot of waking moments, is consumed by coffee because I'm always consuming coffee.

Farm Chores - Things to do on a Kona Farm

Before becoming a Kona coffee farmer, I made a living as a computer programmer. I had often considered farming but I had never actually farmed before.

Barbeque Coffee

I have been meaning to try roasting my own beans for quite a while, but the one issue that frightened me the most was "smoke."

Write For INeedCoffee and Get Paid

INeedCoffee is testing an ad-supported model that will share revenue with all contributors.

The Ageing Population Profile in the UK is Likely to Assist Hot ...

Forbes - The market is dominated by instant coffee and black leaf tea in bags, yet it is the more niche and sophisticated premium segments within coffee and tea that have shown growth and have managed to prevent the total hot beverages market from ...

Hosting a Coffee Party

Whether shared between colleagues in the break room, sipped after a family meal or savored during conversation with friends, coffee is a fixture on the American social scene.