Friday, June 15, 2007

A Coffee Break with French Vacationers: La Rochelle, France

A Coffee Break with French Vacationers: La Rochelle, France

Crowded outdoor cafés in a genuine historical setting makes La Rochelle a great place to visit. As one of the most popular tourist spots on the Atlantic coast, this costal city is a haven for good coffee in a great atmosphere.

Hosting a Coffee Party

Whether shared between colleagues in the break room, sipped after a family meal or savored during conversation with friends, coffee is a fixture on the American social scene.

A little rusty on the romance front? Theres professional help

Seattle Times - It only takes one second to see someone you like and only one second for that someone to walk away for good. ? Always smell nice, and make sure you dont have bad breath or coffee breath. ? Dont talk too much about past relationships. ? While out ...

Write For INeedCoffee and Get Paid

INeedCoffee is testing an ad-supported model that will share revenue with all contributors.

Top 10 Dangers of the Coffee Enema

There is no scientific evidence to indicate that coffee enemas detoxify the bowel, liver, or gallbladder. The Gerson Therapy treatment, which includes daily coffee enemas, is currently being touted as an alternative cancer treatment.

Coffee - A Day in the Life

I like coffee. A lot. In fact, I've noticed that my every waking moment, and I have a lot of waking moments, is consumed by coffee because I'm always consuming coffee.