English Rattlesnakes coming to local coffee house
English Rattlesnakes coming to local coffee house
Evansville Courier-Press - A documentary film about an Australian male prostitute inspired "Rattlesnakes," the dramatic intrigue playing two weeks in Owensboro, Ky., with a one-night reading in Evansville next week. The play, written by Graham Farrow of England, was published ...
Readers Report
BusinessWeek - I felt compelled to respond to the letter "At Starbucks, charisma?but no mugs" (Readers Report, Apr. 30) regarding not being able to drink coffee out of a ceramic coffee cup ("Saving Starbucks soul," Marketing, Apr. 9). I visit my local Starbucks ( ...
Winter: Coffee Achiever 2.0
Winter 2007: Minor Celebrity, Major Coffee Achiever
Seeing the World One Starbucks at a Time
So you think Starbucks has awful coffee, eh? Well, I'm no coffee connoisseur, and I'm certainly not here to tell you Starbucks is the best.
Coffee and Muffins
Viennese Coffee and Cappucino Muffins.
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