Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Beverage Coffee - For Short Term Smarts?

The Beverage Coffee - For Short Term Smarts?

Caffeine, like chocolate, often receives bad publicity. Whilst in some instances, and in excess, these can have negative effects on our body, they can also be quite beneficial.I am not disputing that some people are more sensitive to the negative effects of either caffeine or chocolate. For example, excess caffeine can create anxiety, nausea (particularly if taken on an empty stomach), an increase in heart rate, and even depression in some people. And chocolate is certainly not something that sh

Turkish Coffee Making

Turkish coffee is the oldest method used to prepare coffee from roasted beans. Once roasted the coffee gets ground to an extra fine coffee powder (finer than espresso). You can also grind you own coffee beans using a traditional Turkish coffee grinder or a modern burr grinder.

Four Cup Coffee Makers - Value Or Not?

Whilst looking to buy a four cup coffee maker should be an easy task, there is some trade-off in the quality of both the coffee maker and the coffee they make when compared to more expensive, larger brewers.A common problem many people encounter is spillage. Sometimes the design of the spout is poor, resulting in coffee spilled all over the bench when trying to pour a cup. If the spout is small, as it seems to be with the 4 cup coffee maker designs, the only solution here is just to pour more sl

The Many Different Coffee Beverages

Everyone has there favourite among the many different coffee beverages now on sale in coffee shops and restaurants the world over. Some may be more interesting the others. Some are certainly more traditional. The following is a quick look at some of the more popular coffee beverages that you'll like see on the menu at a coffee shop near you:1. Espresso: probably the oldest and most traditional of coffee beverages sold in coffee shops round the world, the espresso has a huge and loyal followin

How Water Affects Coffee

A cup of brewed coffee is made up of at least 98 percent water.

A Guide to Coffee Beans

Comedian Bill Maher once observed that if your favorite drugged state is "wired" and you live in the United States, you are set for life. Starbucks on every corner, coffee aisle in every store. Energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster in every convenience store, and a coffee pot on the burner at every job. Americans may be deficient or ignorant in other matters pertaining to food and beverages, but when it comes to coffee, they're right up to speed... no pun intended!However, working in a restaur