Saturday, March 10, 2007

Smelling the Coffee: Stumptown in Portland

Smelling the Coffee: Stumptown in Portland

(If you're in San Francisco, you can get Stumptown coffee and espresso at the wildly successful Ritual Roasters on Valencia.) Also in San Francisco, ...

Voracious: From Stumptown to Seattle, With Foam (Seattle Weekly)

Stumptown certainly does ship their coffee by Fedex to some clients outside Portland. Ritual Coffee Roasters - notwithstanding the name - serves Stumptown ...

Urbantic: Images of Ritual Coffee Roasters in San Francisco

Ritual Coffee Roasters. Ritual it should be. We've been sitting down here for most of the day on opposite loveseats, quietly working, occasionally catching ...

caffeinated rantings: Ritual Coffee Roasters

Jaiku is a phone book that displays the real-time presence and location of your contacts.

SF Bay Area Missed Connections for Coffee Shops

Ritual Roasters coffee gibralters at Ritual Ritual Roasters slammed Jeremy and his roaster. Ritual is a fantastic space and maintains an amazing energy ...

Kev's News

They should hang out at Ritual Coffee Roasters, where many of today's Web digerati appear, most of whom have Macs: ...