Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Coffee break

Coffee break

Delaware Online - A MIX OF OLD AND NEW: Companies have found new ways to help older and younger workers mix well. The ClearRock executive coaching and outplacement company said six of 10 companies are using older employees as mentors to younger workers. One-third of ...

Dognap Suspects Nabbed; 3 Of 4 Dogs Found

CBS News - A home surveillance camera caught the scene as one man held a gun and the other chased after the puppies with a plastic garbage bag as they scampered around the room and underneath a coffee table. He snatched one of the dogs from a womans hands. No ...

Coffee helps Wetherspoon profit

MSN UK News - LONDON (Reuters) - Strong sales of coffees and breakfasts helped JD Wetherspoon boost first- half profit from its 662 pubs by 20 percent, but its cautious outlook knocked 6 percent off its shares on Friday. "This is the evolution of the pub ...

Surveys: Coffee can be more important than lunch, and 20somethings don ...

Detroit News - What would you do for a cup of joe? Some coffee drinkers would go that extra mile for the fix, according to a recent survey. Forty-two percent would trade in the morning paper, television or radio for a cup, while one in five would swap lunch for ...

Chicago tobacco lounge still in business

Northwest Herald - CHICAGO (AP) ? Max Moss was walking through his new neighborhood when he looked in a shop window and saw people drinking coffee, working on computers, and doing something that took him by surprise: These people were smoking. Coming up on a year ...

Fundamentals of Coffee Business Success

The retail specialty coffee industry is unique in that it attracts as many admirers of the product (coffee fanatics) as it does those who are looking for a lucrative business investment, probably more.