Saturday, February 24, 2007

Why You Should Buy Fair Trade: The Coffee Book

Why You Should Buy Fair Trade: The Coffee Book

Ultimately, when the government found they couldn’t prohibit coffee drinking, they monopolized coffee roasting to the point that commoners could no longer afford it, resorting to things like barley, chicory, corn and dried figs in its stead.

my demon in the steamer

just days ago I heard it,

Inanimate Objects Comics #28

The 28th Installment of Inanimate Objects.

Consider This When Buying Your Coffee Maker

People can be very passionate about coffee. They can tell how long the beans were roasted with the first sip! Not everyone is so dedicated, but most people do like a decent cup. The explosion in cafe culture has meant that we now know what a mocha latte is, and we want to drink it at home! There are so many varieties of coffee maker available that it can be bewildering. How To Choose The Coffee Machine That's Right For YouAutomatic Drip MachineThese are still the most popular for everyday

The Coffee Float

Hearkening back to the days of Root beer floats, warm summer nights and the cooling draught slinking down your throat?