Monday, February 26, 2007

Starbucks steps aside in coffee row

Starbucks steps aside in coffee row

MSN UK News - US coffee chain Starbucks has stepped aside in a trademark row with Ethiopia in what was being pitched as a case of corporate bullying. Starbucks was heavily criticised for trying to stop Ethiopia trademarking two of its coffees, thereby securing ...

No coupling too unusual for pairing food, drink

Seattle Times - Or whether Italian roast coffee shines with cave-aged Gruyere or fresh ricotta. Consider this urge to pair unlikely items a symptom of the broadening of the nations palate. Led by chic restaurateurs and audacious gourmets, Americans searching for the ...

Starbucks urged to sign pact with Ethiopia over coffee names

Seattle Post Intelligencer - Oxfam America, a deep-pocketed charity, has turned up the heat on Starbucks by taking out full-page newspaper ads Thursday that urge the Seattle-based coffee giant to sign a licensing agreement with Ethiopia. The controversy centers upon the ...

Inanimate Objects Comics #28

The 28th Installment of Inanimate Objects.