Wednesday, January 17, 2007

miasma: car fecalface bikes coffee

miasma: car fecalface bikes coffee

Coffee also makes me happy. Ritual Roasters makes this drink, it's called the gigantor.. or the gibralter.. I forget. Here's the Wired article about Ritual

eggbeater: liquid

Here is where you will find a piece I did on Ritual Coffee Roasters, an incredible new coffee shop the size of a small church, on Valencia street between 21st and 22nd streets.

Hip Tastes Blog

Translation: San Fran coffee haunt Ritual Roasters has got a very cool vibe, plus a very hip gaggle of hipster writer-types roaming around to match.

fonephreak » Food

06.26.06 Latte Porn. Posted in Food at 2:02 am by yuzo. I think Ritual Coffee Roasters has ruined coffee for me. I can’t go anywhere else, Starbucks, Tully’s, or even Peet’s, without thinking