Friday, January 19, 2007

INeedCoffee Article Tips and Guidelines

INeedCoffee Article Tips and Guidelines

A helpful guide on submitting articles and tutorials to INeedCoffee.

How Water Affects Coffee

A cup of brewed coffee is made up of at least 98 percent water.

Travel Light With A Travel Coffee Maker

You love your coffee. You have your own personal blend. You love your brewer, and have it set on a timer when you don't forget. But the mornings when you do forget are always hectic, and more often than not, you're in a rush just to get out the door with enough time to swing by the nearest 7-Eleven to grab a cup of coffee on the way to work. Not quite the cup of coffee you prefer, but better than nothing.Tired of settling? Then it might be time for a travel coffee maker. More popular than ever

Why a Kona blend coffee over Kona alone?

Kona blend coffee is popular for basically one reason and one reason only.

Coffee Beans to Use for Espresso

Bins of coffee beans stretch out in seemingly endless rows. The grinder has too many settings and you’re not sure of the difference between a French roast and an Italian one. How do you know which beans make the best espresso?

The Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee and Tea

It seems as though every week a new articles surfaces about the pros and cons of drinking either coffee or tea. One week caffeine is a mortal enemy, the next a tolerable friend. Likewise, green tea surfaces as a miracle cure all, only to fade to a questionable metabolic stimulant. If you enjoy either coffee or tea, here are some things to consider.According to an article released last year by ABC News, Study: Drinking Coffee Has Health Benefits, coffee is America's number one source of antiox