Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The History And Main Types Of Coffee

The History And Main Types Of Coffee

It's a mainstay in many households the world over with a commodity ranking of number two, just behind oil production. But how did the worldwide coffee craze get started and what exactly is the history of the little bean loved the globe over for the coffee it creates?According to legend, the first use of coffee dates back to the 800s when a goat herder named Kaldi discovered his goats had more energy after eating the berries from a specific bush. Kaldi's story takes place in east Africa and is co

Ten Steps To Help You Find The Most Suitable Coffee Maker

Everyone it seems, has an opinion on coffee. How it's brewed, when you should drink it, whether to freeze the beans and the list goes on. It also seems that coffee maker reviews can almost generate the same kind of passion given the proliferation of machines on the market today.There is a whole range of features that make up a good coffee maker however, if you are looking for the perfect model, one that has every feature imaginable, then you are going to be searching for a long time. Why? Becaus

Is It Possible That Coffee Is Really Good For You?

Coffee has been a popular start to many people's day for many years. Though coffee is often looked on negatively due to the caffeine in it there are actually many health benefits to coffee.Antioxidants are contained in coffee and many people are unaware. Coffee contains these health boosting antioxidants no matter if you are drinking straight coffee or a varied drink such as a cappuccino. Coffee is actually good for you like many things as long as you drink it in moderation. Often people may avo

Coffee Beans to Use for Espresso

Bins of coffee beans stretch out in seemingly endless rows. The grinder has too many settings and you’re not sure of the difference between a French roast and an Italian one. How do you know which beans make the best espresso?

How To Master The Art Of Buying Coffee

It used to be a trip to the corner store netted a single choice or maybe two for the coffee lover. One-size-fits-all in a can to go, thank you very much. With the appreciation for coffee hitting an all-time high, this is no longer the case.Choice, of course, is good for the consumer, but what might not be so good is the fact there are so many choices one's head might spin in trying to make a selection. Even most grocery store coffee aisles today include a huge variety of cans loaded with pre-gro